3.07.12 Reviews (Part 3)

Hell Yeah #1 (Image): I wasn’t very familiar with Joe Keatinge, but the strength of Glory urged me to check out this new book as well, and… I’m not so glad I did unfortunately. The first think I immediately noticed was that the art is rendered with this fuzzy blurry overly-digital looking quality up front. It’s almost as if it was done so deliberately by illustrator Andre Szymanowicz to capture like an amateur video effect(?) or something, but there’s no clue in the script that that’s why it looks the way it does. If you get past that, you’re then treated to all kinds of exposition about who the kid is, what the school he goes to is supposed to be for, painful flashbacks that are highly expositional, etc. It settles down from that blurry quality, but then becomes stiff and wooden in spots, with all of the posturing being just a little screwy and unnatural. Deep down, I think there might be an interesting core premise here, sort of an anti-Sky High vibe, with the latest generation of heroes in a super-powered world being socialized into carrying on their parents’ roles, but this one is snotty and poor at it. The sudden emergence of a group of JLA/Authority type heroes and their “Michelangelo Moment” that will change the world just feels a little tired, like another recycled set of ideas. Hell Yeah lacks the sense of “new” and “fresh” that the other Image titles of late have embodied. They can’t all be winners, so check out Prophet, Glory, The Manhattan Projects, or wait for Saga, Mara, or any number of the upcoming Image releases instead. That’s my recommendation. Grade B-.
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