11.16.05 Reviews

All Star Superman #1 (DC): Not a big Supes fan, but I'll check out anything from the reunited creative team behind cult fave Flex Mentallo! Yes, Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely bring a much needed alien feel to the Last Son of Krypton with creepy supporting characters and odd techno-babble. Dig the origin tale recapped in just 4 panels and a double page splash. And it certainly appears that the plot through-line here will be about Superman dying due to hyper-radiation exposure. Loved the cliffhanger ending. I'm there. Grade B+.
Captain Atom: Armageddon #2 (DC/Wildstorm): Just when I thought only Joe Casey could work magic with these defunct characters, Will Pfeifer comes along and works it. Mr. Majestic, Captain Atom, and the remnants of the Wildcats, whodathunk this would be totally engaging? Nice references to Halo and back to the DCU by both Atom and Majestros. I like Atom's realistic investigation of what is, to him, a parallel universe. Is it me or did nobody notice the death of Spartan/Hadrian/Halo CEO Marlowe last ish? Super strong pencils from Camuncoli. Two minor quibbles, 1) Of course this will tie into the Infinite Crisis multiverse debacle, which could be good or bad association, only time will tell. And 2) Hey Quinn, Sinclair, and Abernathy! Yeah, Editors! Over here! Grifter's real name is Cole Cash guys, not Cash Cole. Issue 1 and both 2 had it wrong, I'm watching you. Grade B.
Fables #43 (DC/Vertigo): Totally into this Arabian Nights arc and here are the top 3 reasons why... 1) Buckingham's line looks a bunch like P. Craig Russel's art from the Ramadan story back in Sandman #50. 2) How intense was that opening conversation between Beauty and Prince Charming? And 3) Yusuf essentially said "let's rumble, motherfuckers!" by releasing the Djinn. Grade A.
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