7.05.06 Comics & Random Stuff

Atom #1 (DC): Excited to read after the short in the 80 page Brave New World.
BPRD: The Black Flame TPB (Dark Horse): Awesome.
BPRD: The Universal Machine #4 (Dark Horse): Awesome. All things BPRD will usually be... awesome.
Showcase Presents: Elongated Man Volume 1 TPB (DC): Come on, it's like 500 pages of stretchy goodness for only $16.99. How can you go wrong?
OMAC #1 (DC): Another sale driven by the sample in the 80 page giant. Zero interest in the characters, but Renato Guedes' art is just too purdy.
The Leading Man (Image): Super excited about this follow up project from B. Clay Moore and Jeremy Haun of Battle Hymn fame. Dig that promotional art with a faux GQ cover!!!
Detective Comics #821 (DC): Wow, been years since I felt compelled to pick up an issue of 'Tec, but with Paul Dini writing and local boy done good, JH Williams III (went to the same high school as him, you know!), I just couldn't resist. Looks nice!
Flight: Volume 3 (Image): Saw this solicited in Diamond, but didn't find it at the store, did this not come out? Doubt I would have missed it at Lee's, they typically order plenty of copies. Seems there have been some misfires with Image solicits the last few weeks. The Leading Man was solicited two weeks in a row mistakenly before it finally shipped...
Dark Horse: Twenty Years (Dark Horse): I was excited to see another .25 cent book from Dark Horse and the Mignola cover showcasing a plethora of DH characters was neat, but was aghast to find a pin up book when I opened it. Some nice pinups, but even for a quarter seemed like a grand waste of time.
As I said above, there is a huge post brewing about the short box full of books I picked up at the Lee's sale. See you soon!
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