My travel schedule this week simply isn't going to allow for reviews of new books, but here's what I plan on picking up...Scalped #19 (DC/Vertigo): This cover is hot! I'm very much looking forward to an entire issue devoted to the relationship of Dash and Carol; their encounters so far have been tense, passionate, and sexually explosive.
Hellblazer #246 (DC/Vertigo): Jason Aaron week continues here at 13 Minutes with the second of the two part little arc about Constantine's "Mucous Membrane" and some of the punk residue that rippled out and affected Newcastle.
Universal War One #1 (Marvel/Soleil): The only title from the initial round of Soleil offerings that looks promising to me. This one boasts a grand high premise about civil war in the solar system and the mysterious emergence of a black wall in space. Fans of the Humanoids line, take note.
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