11.19.08 Reviews

Pax Romana #4 (Image): Jonathan Hickman offers up a nice examination of the repercussions of personal loyalties and individual wishes vs. mission objectives in this final issue. That dynamic of the “fallacy of sentimentality” is explored by the check and balance of the Gene Pope and the Rossi line. As many more self-aware time travel stories do, Hickman is careful to point out the ultimate frailty of attempting to affect the timeline with a desired outcome when there are so many unpredictables, too many variables, and endless cause and effect permutations. The ending felt a bit rushed; there are many interesting elements compressed into just a couple of pages that I wish had been explored over the course of another issue or two. With the wars alone that are mentioned, the Britons, the Visigoths, the Templars, the African campaign, and the Silk Road Wars, there are no less than five very appealing sounding story threads that had potential. With the establishment of New Rome on the moon and the Red Project pushing this reality toward Mars, I wondered if Hickman actually wanted to somehow connect this as precursor to his other work, Red Mass for Mars. Overall, the end plays a bit anti-climactic; the “ah!” moment of discovering all of this took place by the year 1421 is really pretty one-note and ultimately lacks some punch. Grade B+.
Uncanny X-Men #504 (Marvel): Terry Dodson’s art is certainly more affable and flowing than Greg Land’s tendency toward cheesecake photo-referencing; it reminded me here of some of the 80’s Claremont run that frequently featured Colossus, Dazzler, Havok, etc. I also thought Fraction’s notion of “psychogeography” was a nifty storytelling framework to explore. Those positives aside, this issue felt disconnected from the previous issue with many plot threads left dangling (Red Queen? Madelyne Pryor?). Most of the threads introduced in this issue feel like scattered vignettes. I’m starting to get nervous that Fraction is trying to juggle waaay too many balls here. It’s hard to get any momentum going when you’re trying to get no less than six plotlines off the ground at once: Mojoverse, Peter’s depression, Scott & Emma’s “psychogeography,” Peter’s discovery of a villain, the recruitment of Dr. Nemesis, and Trask’s newsfeed. Fingers crossed he can pull it off... Grade B.
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