Coming This Week: Two Greats on Vertigo's Best, And A Bonus Shot of Both in the Name of Liberty

DMZ #46 (DC/Vertigo): Brian Wood has really escalated the tension with this last arc and I’m anxiously awaiting his next move. This story could irrevocably change things.
Scalped #32 (DC/Vertigo): The always excellent look at social decay in a closed society. Lots of swearing, boobs, and alcohol; these are three of my favorite things.
Liberty Comics: A CBLDF Benefit Book #2 (CBLDF/Image): Neil Gaiman, Jim Lee, Jim Rugg, Cameron Stewart, Brian Wood, Dave Gibbons, Paul Pope, and Jason Aaron. I mean, seriously, these are like some of my favorite writers and artists working today, and all for a good cause. This could be the book of the week.
Uncanny X-Men #516 (Marvel): This book has been really faltering lately. I hope Matt Fraction can recover from crossover crud and learn about a little something called resolution instead of perpetually continuing the melodramatic plethora of story threads. This could be my last issue of this title.
Absolute Death HC (DC/Vertigo): Your $99.99 collects the two three-issue mini-series, and other shorts from here and there to create this 360 page volume. It looks beautiful.
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