Stuff That Comes From Bobby’s Brain (Self-Published by Bobby Peters): Peters’ offers a diverse collection of short stories here that on rare occasion descends into rudimentary pencils with limited backgrounds, but it never ceases to hum along fueled by a fun energy. The narrative style is largely a conversational tone that is honest and engaging; it really is like being inside Peters’ brain for a brief span of time. The book opens with a nice use of color on the cover and hops into a fun introductory sequence which effectively pushes your eye around the page. Peters is passionately doing what he wants here and we just happen to be along for the ride. In the story of the warrior’s quest, he makes a brave journeyman’s choice to undertake a story without any dialogue whatsoever. It works in the interim in a straightforward and clear fashion, but really pops with the twist ending that immediately sets you in time, place, and tone. It’s an unexpected way to end what would otherwise be simplistic and not overtly thought-provoking. I enjoyed the surprise that functionally resets you with the title; the connection crystallizes with a satisfying “a-ha!” moment. Road Trip involves a mad dash to the beach. It’s such an identifiable experience that wins you over with pure affability. Peters’ figure work seems stronger here, particularly when the characters strip down to their bathing suits. I don’t mean that in a salacious way (though Jackee is nice to look at!), only that you can see more detail and thought behind the shapes and forms when the clothes aren’t acting as a visual filter. This story really drives home the point that sometimes fleeting experiences can be worthwhile and should be undertaken merely for the sake of themselves and the memories they create. The tale of Littletown is probably my favorite of the foursome. Peters captures a mysterious vibe occurring post-meteor strike. Tonally, the pieces moves from the enigmatic feel of a lost Twilight Zone episode in the beginning, to the type of ethereal wonderment in the end that you’d expect from a Jordan Crane project like
The Clouds Above. The big full page reveal of the angry meteor is a bold aesthetic with a distinct visual style. With Peters’ emotive style, big iconic shots, and vibrant personalities on display in this piece, you can almost see him illustrating a children’s book or some other type of farcical tale that captures young minds effortlessly. Grade B+.
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