Thirteen Minutes focused on weekly reviews of Creator-Owned Comics from 2005 to 2015. Critic @ Poopsheet Foundation 2009 to 2014. Critic @ Comics Bulletin 2013 to 2016. Freelance Writer/Editor @ DC/Vertigo, Stela, Madefire, Image Comics, Dark Horse, Boom! Studios, and Studio 12-7 from 2012 to Present. Follow @ThirteenMinutes
Alternative Comics #4 [Small Press]
Alternative Comics #4 (Alternative Comics): If there’s any
loose theme inhabiting the majority of the shorts in this latest anthology
offering, then maybe it’s the pride-swallowing, ego-devouring, soul-crushing
slap to the face that being an indie artist can sometimes be. You don’t have to
ponder the $5.99 price tag very long when you see the diverse list of
contributors. There are old favorites like Mike Bertino, Noah Van Sciver, or
James Kochalka, along with some names new to me, such as Sam Alden, Grant
Snider, or Andy Ristaino. For the most part, they all deliver. After the
raucous fun of the Mike Bertino cover, Sam Alden opens things up on the inside
front cover with one of the most direct-injection pieces concerning that would-be
theme. It’s about where talent converges with insecurities and that converges
with audience perception. Alden contributes a second piece, “When I Was 10,”
that’s a more circular and contemplative story. Alden has that appealing “thing”
that Nate Powell does, the ability to create fluid layouts, but with a much
more robust ink line, which I always enjoy. Noah Van Sciver approaches things
with a satirical slant, via a pseudo-historical escapade, almost as if he’s
excising the last of any lingering demons from The Hypo in his work. Grant
Snider quickly grew to be one of my favorite contributors, his one-pagers
punctuating the others as brief interludes. His “Incidental Comics” always
played satirical, yet somehow still innocent and earnest. “Checklist For An Epic Summer,”
“Buried Secrets,” and Frustrated Artists Society” all made me long for a full
feature length work from Snider. His art felt like such a light touch, free-flowing
from panel to panel, with really attractive figures and fun layouts. Now, don’t
get crazy, but I’ve never been a huge Kochalka fan personally (blasphemy!), but
he does offer two pieces in this project, one quite long, so fans should be very
pleased about that. “Blobby Boys” from Alex Schubert (who some might know as
enigmatic “Zine Police”) delivers a story about being swindled by record execs
in his trademark minimalist style. It’s followed by the anti-consumerism
stylings of “Frothy Beverage Man” from Andy Ristaino, which is also a subversive
good time, substituting the big sentient mug of beer for the Kool-Aid man.
Alternative Comics will apparently now be incorporating reformatted Inkstuds interviews,
this first with David Lasky. It’s followed by a Lasky piece which is an
absolutely on-point reappropriated Superman tale, touching the plight of
creators operating in commercially unfair work-for-hire practices. It’s got a sharp
bite to it and is the type of thing that should have a useful life well beyond this
book. We end with one of best bio sections I’ve seen, clearly identifying the
creators in a unique and memorable style, with some notes on additional offerings from the
publisher. The back page by Theo Ellsworth and Craig Thompson is a great way
to end, a sort of manic sci-fi romp that aesthetically reminded me of Hector
Mumbly’s Bagel’s Lucky Hat, a book that my kids love. I’m happy to see
Alternative Comics back from hiatus; check out any of their promising books
available soon. Grade A.
Justin Giampaoli was an award-winning critic at Thirteen Minutes and Comics Bulletin for over a decade. As a writer, his work includes the self-published crime caper The Mercy Killing with artist Tim Goodyear, introductions and bonus content for New York Times Bestseller DMZ at DC/Vertigo, the alt-history epic Rome West and the sci-fi drama Starship Down, both with artist Andrea Mutti at Dark Horse. Recently, he edited the geo-political thriller California, Inc. with writer Arthur Ebuen and artist Dave Law at Studio 12-7, and was a panelist at San Diego Comic Con 2024.
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