Thirteen Minutes focused on weekly reviews of Creator-Owned Comics from 2005 to 2015. Critic @ Poopsheet Foundation 2009 to 2014. Critic @ Comics Bulletin 2013 to 2016. Freelance Writer/Editor @ DC/Vertigo, Stela, Madefire, Image Comics, Dark Horse, Boom! Studios, and Studio 12-7 from 2012 to Present. Follow @ThirteenMinutes
The Outliers [Small Press]
The Outliers (Alternative Comics): There’s certainly no denying the sheer artistry on display
in Erik T. Johnson’s beautiful new project. From the dust jacket and French folds,
to the illustrated guide to primal fears on the covers (visages on one side, descriptions
on the reverse), to the paper quality, the letterpress printing technique, and
so on. For those naysayers decrying “print is dead!” with the rise of digital
comics, I say “BAH!” Digital comics will never be able to capture the tactile
presence of something like The Outliers, which is a prime example of small
press comics transcending the basics of the medium to achieve objet d’art
status. The Outliers is a careful exploration of our prejudices and jingoistic
attitudes, not to mention the fact that you just never know what’s going on
behind the scenes with most people. Too often, we see only the masks they wear
for the outside world and base our perceptions on that. There is mystery
surrounding The Outliers, which I greatly enjoyed. It’s about a kid, some would
say a “freak,” living a sheltered life. The freak kid endures a freak accident
during a freak storm and encounters a freak creature with freak professors and freak
languages following. It’s freaky, ok? I don’t mean that as a pejorative
descriptor, only in the sense that Johnson is able to effectively evoke mood,
vibe, and place. It’s easy to imagine the events in Chapter One of The Outliers
occurring somewhere in the wet wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. So much of
the work is done with minimal dialogue that it’s easy to imagine The Outliers
playing like some silent short film, a cross between the sense of wonder and
discovery in The Iron Giant and some of the Pixar shorts like La Luna, perhaps
revealing Johnson’s career as a designer and illustrator. Color plays an
integral role in the success of The Outliers. Johnson initially uses a lush
green to emphasize the rain drenched wooded adventure. Later in the story, he
switches to soft and contemplative blue hues, which seem thematically
appropriate. He uses inky emotive lines for Tsu, a character who rarely speaks
conventionally, like some great facial characteristic hybrid of Craig Thompson
and Simon Roy. The Outliers seems to be fascinated with the fringes of society,
the titular people, places, and events that lie on the outer edge of our daily
existence or just on the periphery of our understanding. With great induction to his world
and an exciting cliffhanger, all I can say is “more, please.” Spoiler Alert,
but we’re probably looking at one of the best books of the year. Grade A+.
Justin Giampaoli was an award-winning critic at Thirteen Minutes and Comics Bulletin for over a decade. As a writer, his work includes the self-published crime caper The Mercy Killing with artist Tim Goodyear, introductions and bonus content for New York Times Bestseller DMZ at DC/Vertigo, the alt-history epic Rome West and the sci-fi drama Starship Down, both with artist Andrea Mutti at Dark Horse. Recently, he edited the geo-political thriller California, Inc. with writer Arthur Ebuen and artist Dave Law at Studio 12-7, and was a panelist at San Diego Comic Con 2024.
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