Undertow by Sara Boica (Mini Kus! #123)
I was immediately struck by the minimalism of Undertow and the sheer restraint demonstrated on the pages by Boica. At times, there is but one solitary line hanging in a panel, with such nothingness surrounding it that you have to admire the confidence. The central theme seems to be the rhythmic nature of waves crashing against a shore serving as metaphor for life, love, and existence as a whole. The metaphor seems to extend, as waves crash against shorelines, punctuated by images of bodies in repose, broken impartial things, and moments of anguish. It’s a bit of a reminder that we’re all just floating along like detritus awaiting stray glimmers of hope. The nature of the push and pull of the waves creating the undertow as they recede is not unlike our own trials and triumphs in life, in perpetual ebb and flow.
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