All Show & No Go

Well, for the all the controversy this created, it falls extremely flat for me. There just isn't anything I connected with here at all. I think there is much better work by female creators out there, even from some of the writers and artists contained here. And I'm sorry, but pet peeve alert... When a comic book anthology contains a prose short story, well, it just doesn't belong here. No matter how strong it may be, this is a comic book anthology, not a short story collection. This piece should have been submitted to The Best American Non-Required Reading Series edited by Dave Eggers, plug, plug, plug! Anyway, it just really feels like a haphazard collection of pieces. Two notable exceptions being the insightful The Art of Letting Go by Sarah Grace McCandless, Joelle Jones, and Lois Buhalis and the powerful An Admission by Meghan Kinder. These were quite impressive and I'd grade them both at A+. Unfortunately, the rest of the pieces are in C- or D+ territory which puts the whole package, well, mama said never to kiss and tell...
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