Coming This Week: I Wanna’ Die With You On The Streets Tonight In An Everlasting Kiss

Detective Comics #858 (DC): Greg Rucka and JH Williams III begin their stylized spin on Batwoman Kate Kane’s origin story. I'm really enjoying this run, especially as Rucka’s ostensibly simple scripts have stepped up to match the intricacy of J3’s gorgeous and inventive art and layouts.
Northlanders #21 (DC/Vertigo): Accompanied by Leandro Fernandez this time out, Brian Wood begins "The Plague Widow" arc, which appears to be a great genre blender, furthering the world he's envisioned for the book. Fernandez seems to be one of those artists you either love or hate, count me in the former camp ever since his run on Queen & Country with Greg Rucka.
Freakangels: Volume 3 (Avatar): I picked up the first two volumes at SDCC this year and generally enjoyed the setting, characters, and Duffield’s offbeat art. However, Warren Ellis is running about a 50% success rate with me this year, so I'm not sure if this'll be strong enough to plunk down the ducats.
No Hero #0-7: Complete Set (Avatar): I opted out of the single issues around #3 and decided to tradewait this, but this complete set is a pretty good deal if you’re so inclined, saving you about $11 pre-tax over having bought them individually at regular cover price.
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