Coming This Week: Hello, Is This Thing On? Can You Hear Crickets Chirping? I Can Hear Crickets Chirping...

And let me further preface this by saying that I don’t think this has happened to me within the last 10 years of buying weekly comics. There isn’t a regular floppy issue of a single title coming out this week that I normally buy. Not one. None. Not a thing from DC or Marvel. Nothing from Dark Horse, Image, etc. If it weren’t for a TPB of Wasteland by Oni Press, I probably wouldn’t be buying anything this week. That *never* happens. I am shocked and appalled...
Wasteland: Volume 05: Tales of the Uninvited (Oni Press): Thank god for Antony Johnston, Chris Mitten, and the crew at Oni for saving this debacle. Guys, you saved comics for me this week! This TPB is a special treat because it collects all of the special interlude issues to date, done by a cast of amazing artists like Carla Speed McNeil, Chuck BB, Joe Infurnari and the super spectacular double sized full color painted issue #25 by regular series artist Christopher Mitten. There was talk early on that these might never get collected, as a special treat for loyal followers of the single issues. While I admire that general conviction (you should support the titles you like by purchasing them monthly!), it’s wonderful to have them collected nonetheless. It’ll be interesting to see how they all read together, and if I don’t buy anything else, perhaps I’ll get to a review of this hefty volume in lieu of your regular dose of floppies.
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