As I got ready to create my annual "best of the year" list, I realized that it was sort of an odd year for me and comic books. There were big changes announced in the management at the industry’s two largest publishers, my attention waning due to the perception that I truly loved fewer and fewer books, general disappointment with conventions, the second year of my recent purchasing self-analysis resulting in more selective buying habits, and bizarre local retailer antics –
all amid a global recession. In short, less interest, dwindling discretionary income, and the feeling – right or wrong – that there was nothing but mediocre books to be found, with only the occasional gem that made it all worthwhile. If I were to set the great/mediocre/crap trinity of categories up in percentages, as my mind is wont to do, it would be something like: 20% Great, 70% Mediocre, 10% Crap. Sure, that’s oversimplifying things, but the feeling is genuine. Oh 2009, what a bittersweet love affair it was. Initially, I considered capping my favorite entries at 140 characters, Twitter style, so that I too could be short, shallow, and self-indulgent, but I always like when critics explain their choices and don’t just drop a cold list on the audience (though I will provide a simplified summary list when it’s all done, recognizing the instantly gratifying aesthetic appeal and that some people just. want. a. list.). Beginning tomorrow morning, I’ll be posting each selection individually, on a daily schedule, in no particular order, until the end of the year. Lastly, please notice that it says “favorite” and that word selection is deliberate. It means something different than “best.” It’s personal opinion, it’s eclectic, and it’s based on what I read – not everything that was available. That said, I would very much like to hear what you enjoyed this year, I just don’t necessarily want to argue about it. Enjoy!
"I just don't necessarily want to argue about it."
Ha-ha! Classic. :)
Can't wait to see your picks, Justin. I'll bet I can guess a few. Asterios Polyp? Did you ever read Stuffed? ...and, there will have to be some Brian Wood thrown in for good measure, I'm sure. ;)
Anyhow, I'm looking forward to 'em,
Ryan Claytor
Elephant Eater Comics
See, the list practically writes itself! Haha! Asterios seems to be making it onto everyone's list! Brian Wood does indeed make an appearance, though it might not be the book you think.
Someone must not have ordered Stuffed because I haven't seen it yet, but it's on my to-get list.
I'm excited too, can't wait to get the selections rolling!
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