1.27.10 Reviews (Part 2)

Echo #19 (Abstract Studio): It’s interesting to note that the opening quote is not from Einstein, Oppenheimer, or any atomic scientist, as has been the case in all of the previous issues. This time it’s a more humanitarian social observation about man’s nature courtesy of (my favorite American author) Ernest Hemingway. That’s a deliberate choice since it fits in perfectly with the tone and cold hard nature of this particular issue. As for the story, we see Julie continue to learn how to commune with the consciousness of Annie still trapped in the remnants of her suit. Terry Moore’s starry night sky sets the mood, with a dreamlike quality. Moore is able to have so much meaning relayed via silent panels or reliance on emotive facial expressions. I don’t mean to gush, but the book is just so beautiful to behold. I love Terry Moore’s women. I love their realistic looks, their reactions, and their strength. I love that they can carry a book all on their own, while the male characters take on supporting roles. I love the dynamics of their relationships with each other, and their believable speech patterns. Ivy and Julie are momentarily holed up waiting to make their next play, while the motives and direction become clear for all of the other loose threads: Cain, HeNRI employees, Dan and Dillon, they’re all juggled deftly. And don’t think for a second that interpersonal dynamics are all that Terry Moore can rock. The shootout in the bar is a terrific action sequence, with loads of detail and energy. He pulls a clever trick where he links the sound effects from panel to panel, page to page, to alert the reader what’s happening in a previous scene while you’ve flipped the page and moved onto the next scene. Part of my training in a past life, it’s something I just do subconsciously on autopilot, is to count shots being fired. In the heat of the moment, this can be critical and something you easily blank out on under duress, so the training kicks in and this tells you when either you (or someone else) will need to reload, depending on the type of firearm they might have. I noticed the HeNRI assassin was popping off round after round, chuckled to myself, and decided to go back and count them, thinking I’d catch Terry Moore in a little mistake, one that you so commonly see on TV, assailants comically popping off round after round, shot after shot, 5, 10, 20, 30 even, while never stopping to reload. It’s remarkable to me that the assassin fires exactly 15 shots from his handgun before tossing it aside, which is typically the maximum capacity of any handgun with an extended capacity magazine available only to military or law enforcement personnel. That’s attention to detail, man. It’s proof yet again of why Terry Moore is an absolute craftsman. Grade A.
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