Grinding It Out

Panel 2: This is a nice zoom-in onto a detail of the previous image that alters the POV slightly and adjusts the camera angle to a more eye-level plane. As they dive into conversation, we’re pulled in closer as well.
Panel 3: Ryan has been experimenting with this patterned background technique for a while now and although at first it seems pretty simple, it’s proven fairly versatile. Here, what I take from it is almost an insinuation of Ryan thinking, searching for his words to recall a memory, seeing the passage he’s referring to in his mind’s eye. It’s fairly benign, but unfortunately “arguement” is a common misspelling of “argument.” It’s something I’m sure Ryan will correct before this issue sees print.
Panel 4: I like something about this panel, but it’s more of a technical construction choice. There’s a relatively large amount of text in this panel, so Ryan makes a design selection here that results in a long horizontal panel to house the verbiage. Honestly, it’s something that I probably wouldn’t notice in a reading of the entire issue, but taken here a page at a time, I’m able to slow down and really take in the nuances of the panel layouts, what’s contained within them, and ask the “why” question more often. I like that!
Was responding to a couple comments from other folks at the post on my website and also responded to some of yours.
Just sayin',
Ryan Claytor
Elephant Eater Comics
Thanks, Ryan. Nice to see some dialogue starting on your site regarding these posts!
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