Grinding It Out

Panel 2: This is another extremely solid panel in terms of achieving depth. That obelisk on the right side of the panel is in the hard foreground with a very thick line weight. The main figures are in the mid-ground anchoring the reader’s eye in the panel, there’s a row of trees in the first level background, and then an even deeper background with a building in the far distance. Most artists might offer two layers of depth; typically some figures in the foreground which are the main focus, and then some paltry background details. However, Ryan being the extremely generous artist that he is, offers us not the standard two, but four layers.
Panel 3: While this panel is another that is intricately rendered with multiple layers of depth, it’s actually not the first thing I noticed. The first thing that caught my eye was that I don’t think I’ve ever seen this specific camera angle before. It made me realize that Ryan has been doing an admirable job of varying the camera placement and angles of the shots in order to keep things lively since this is largely a talking heads issue. The variety keeps engaging the reader’s eye, who, if it’s anything like mine, might be largely conditioned for more action-oriented stories. It’s a nice move.
Panel 4: I like the text in this last panel because it keeps calling into question the nature of truth, that nothing can be truly objective. Even empirical fact can be skewed by who is relaying the information and what medium is being used to convey the information presented. Everything is subject to influence, whether intentional or unintended.
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