Once More Unto The Breach...

2010; 2009; 2008; 2007; 2006
Not to get too far ahead of myself and become pre-disposed not to enjoy this year’s festivities too much, but there’s a noticeable shift in tone about halfway through. It’s mostly because of stuff like this, and excerpts from The Savage Critics which I so identify with, like this;
“The other day, I was talking at the shop with Brian about how typical or atypical a comic book reader I am, and I was of the position that I’m pretty atypical — I have a strong bond for the characters but don’t care so much for what’s going on with them these days, and I don’t spend a lot of money on them. But Brian insisted I am in fact a pretty typical reader for the industry these days — a guy who’s almost entirely lapsed as a mainstream comic reader but someone who still pays attention to what’s going on and is either looking for a new way back in to the industry, or a final way out.”
See you in a few days...
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