Prophet #29 (Image) continues the bold sci-fi tradition of this title as the trio of writer-artists known as Brandon Graham, Simon Roy, and Giannis Milonogiannis all team-up for the story, Giannis provides the interior art, and Fil Barlow delivers the cover you see. Happy #1 (Image) is the latest blast from Image Comics. Honestly, Grant Morrison has done precious few titles I love, but this 4-issue mini-series with art from Darick Robertson seems to be more coherent than most Morrison offerings, basically his “It’s A Wonderful Life” take on crime. I'll try it out. Image is also reprinting this piece of dark subversive suburbia that I originally purchased in singles from Dark Horse a few years ago; it’s The Milkman Murders HC (Image) by Joe Casey and Steve Parkhouse, which is a steal for only $14.99. Speaking of Dark Horse, their lone title of interest for me this week seems to be the Matt Kindt spectacle Mind MGMT #5 (Dark Horse). For my Brian Wood fans out there, it’s his penultimate issue of the adjectiveless mutant affair with X-Men #36 (Marvel). On the collected edition front, this series chugs along to its inevitable conclusion [at 60 issues total (currently awaiting #40), I’m projecting there will be at least 10 of these TPB editions (this is #7) and probably 5 Apocalyptic Editions (currently 2 out) in all, got all that?] with Wasteland Volume 07: Under The God (Oni Press), which collects issues 33 to 38, from Antony Johnston and Justin Greenwood.
Is that Wood really done with X-Men? I got the impression he was going to be on it for a while. Shame if that is the case.
I got the impression he wanted to be on it for a while, but with the latest creative shake-up at Marvel, #38 had a new creative team solicited. It's a shame as you say. He is still, however, on Ultimate X-Men for the foreseeable future!
I don't think that even Mr Wood would get me back to the Ultimate universe! Bummer though, I was very much enjoying what he was doing on X-Men.
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