Thirteen Minutes focused on weekly reviews of Creator-Owned Comics from 2005 to 2015. Critic @ Poopsheet Foundation 2009 to 2014. Critic @ Comics Bulletin 2013 to 2016. Freelance Writer/Editor @ DC/Vertigo, Stela, Madefire, Image Comics, Dark Horse, Boom! Studios, and Studio 12-7 from 2012 to Present. Follow @ThirteenMinutes
The Gettysburg Address [Graphic Adaptation]
The Gettysburg Address (William Morrow):The Gettysburg Address is a deceptively simple title for a complex, but accessible work. It’d
be easy to casually dismiss this book at first glance as an artistic interpretation
of one of the most famous speeches in US History (JFK and MLK are the only
others that really even come to mind). While it does ultimately decipher
Lincoln’s words line by line, it’s also much more than that. Writer
Jonathan Hennessey and artist Aaron McConnell create exceptional context for
Abraham Lincoln’s 200 word speech by positioning it relevant to The Declaration
of Independence and the US Constitution. The Declaration essentially supported
the notion of rebellion and seccession on moral, if not legal, grounds, and is
a “small government” document. The Constitution supports the idea of preserving a Federal
Union, emphasizing the strengths of big government, and The Gettysburg Address
keys off of that tension inherent in our country’s guiding documents with very precise
word choices imbued with specific meaning. The creators are careful to tell this tale
from the alternate POVs of slaves, soldiers, and statesmen. Hennessey and
McConnell’s interpretation takes what could be dry and rote facts and fills them
with life. McConnell’s art in particular is somehow dirty and majestic all at
once, with lively colors and thick ink, capturing the horrors of the US Civil
War, but also the grandeur of the experiment the Founding Fathers must have envisioned.
There’s a very painterly two page title spread that is an early cue to
McConnell’s artistic ability. Now, I know a lot about the US Civil War. I’ve
read tons of books, I’ve seen all the movies, and my father is in the antique
business, with a personal passion for military pieces from the Civil War, and he
bombarded me with history growing up. I studied the Civil War from a few
different angles in college. But, I can safely say that I learned more from this
book than I ever did in my K-12 education, so it makes me think that this
HarperCollins imprint has unlocked the medium in a way that could be illuminating
and entertaining for so many school age children across the country. For example,
The Gettysburg Address made me understand The Articles of Confederation as an
experiment in small government (that was too small) better than any teacher
ever did. It made me understand the “compact theory” and POV of The Confederacy
opting out of The Union in a way I never fully appreciated before. I never knew that
Vermont declared its independence from New York State. I never knew that
Connecticut and Pennsylvania had an armed dispute. As a student of history, I
can’t help but feel that several educators failed me! The Gettysburg Address
covers lots of ground, from the characteristics of the continent, regional and
cultural differences between North and South, the invention of the cotton gin, and
how all of that influenced an economy dependent on slavery, to European
influence, to Robert E. Lee being such a key figure, to presidential fame, military
struggles, demoralized troops, anti-war citizens, and the city of Richmond,
Virginia. Imagine today’s equivalent, 5.5 million lives being lost in a US
Civil War, and you have some idea of the horror of this conflict, and how poor
old Abe Lincoln’s speech was supposed to put everything back together and
justify a war on tenuous legal ground, but implicit moral and aspirational
grounds for the country. The book’s main theory posits through interpretation
of Lincoln’s actions and intent that The Gettysburg Address is a quintessentially American piece of writing. It wrestles with the very idea of what our
national character is. The Gettysburg Address was commentary on the war, the
war was armed commentary over tension between The Declaration and The Constitution,
those two documents largely create the very vision of the country. The Gettysburg Address should be required reading for every citizen of the United States. Grade
Justin Giampaoli was an award-winning critic at Thirteen Minutes and Comics Bulletin for over a decade. As a writer, his work includes the self-published crime caper The Mercy Killing with artist Tim Goodyear, introductions and bonus content for New York Times Bestseller DMZ at DC/Vertigo, the alt-history epic Rome West and the sci-fi drama Starship Down, both with artist Andrea Mutti at Dark Horse. Recently, he edited the geo-political thriller California, Inc. with writer Arthur Ebuen and artist Dave Law at Studio 12-7, and was a panelist at San Diego Comic Con 2024.
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