Trailers (NBM/ComicsLit): Mark Kneece and Julie Collins-Rousseau offer up a very strong tale in the tradition of Stray Bullets, reminiscent of David Lapham’s work both in terms of writing style and art execution. The dark and sordid affair involves the botched attempted cover up of an accidental murder. There are some painfully funny beats here as nothing seems to go right for protagonist Josh. The real delight is seeing his struggle to transcend his surroundings and do anything resembling an act of responsibility. The scenes with would-be girlfriend Michelle are a real heartfelt treat. I love the way the writing idolizes her as a caring, insightful young woman who is courageous and confident beyond her youth. Grade B+.
Also wanted to give a quick shout out to NBM’s standard tag line which I think is lovely and can be found in the majority of their offerings:
Novels in the true sense about exploring our lives, our feelings, our experiences. At times uplifting, at times controversial – always insightful and enriching. Here are the most intelligent comics the world has to offer.
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