Why I Hate Thursdays
Well, fuckhole in back of me (read: blonde in SUV + cell phone = death) decides that she doesn’t really feel like stopping is all that necessary at this point in her life, so… CRASH! She rear-ends me. Metal ripples, glass shatters, tires pop, plastic rips. Then… BANG! I’m shoved right into the car in front of me. Bumpers scrape, paint shreds, hood buckles, and glass once again shatters. HISS! My radiator’s exploded, making a nice 8-foot geyser of steaming hot fluid to entertain passersby. I coast over to the side of the road, my car having died, but still enough inertia from the impact to roll along lifelessly.
Blonde Death Reaper runs up to me and is crying hysterically, something which sounds like “SOB-mydadscar-SOB-imsosorry-SOB-why-SOB-ijustgotanewjob-SOB-ohmygod-SOB-areyouokay-SOB-iwasntpayingattention-SOB.” The driver of the car I hit, who is surprisingly calm, walks up to me with a WTF-type look on her face. I simply say: “she hit me, I hit you,” she retorts with an “ah” of recognition and is instantly cooled out. I fight the queasy surge of adrenaline, kick into crisis management mode, survey the scene to ensure that none of us have any bloody or missing bits, that our cars are safely off the main thoroughfare, and then reach in and hit my hazard lights. I suggest that Cool Hand Sally call 911 while I try to calm Blonde Death Reaper down, then we’ll start the obligatory exchange of info. She agrees.
And so… BMW #5 in my long streak of rides is no more. A "total loss," as they say in the insurance biz, where the cost of the repairs would outweight the relative value of the car.
Man do I hate days like this. Sorry for your luck man. Better luck with the next car. Unfortuantely there are too many people too busy on the phone talking or texting to worry about driving.
Ain't that the truth? My pops was telling me that he actually saw a woman driving the other day who had a hamburger in one hand and was putting on lipstick with the other, somehow juggling the steering wheel between the two at highway speeds. Focus, people. If you're driving, then DRIVE.
Dude,this is just a sad, sad story. I can't believe your car is gone... Reminds me of when my new Bimmer got hit. Damn the 101! She was text messaging on her phone instead of paying attention. Hell, she ended up not even having a drivers liscense, either!
BTW, how's the neck and back?
It was a total bummer. I mean, I'm all for getting a new car, but you kinda' want it to be on your terms, yeah?
Neck and back are a-ok after some x-rays and a week of 'scrip drugs.
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