Thirteen Minutes focused on weekly reviews of Creator-Owned Comics from 2005 to 2015. Critic @ Poopsheet Foundation 2009 to 2014. Critic @ Comics Bulletin 2013 to 2016. Freelance Writer/Editor @ DC/Vertigo, Stela, Madefire, Image Comics, Dark Horse, Boom! Studios, and Studio 12-7 from 2012 to Present. Follow @ThirteenMinutes
Xeno Kaiju [Small Press]
Xeno Kaiju (Hic & Hic Publications): The latest offering
in the Newsprint Revivalist Movement is Xeno Kaiju by Pat Aulisio, published by
Matt Moses and the illustrious Hic & Hoc Publications. Aulisio quickly
dazzled me with his Bowman 2016 series, and here he applies his bravura brand
of ballsy bookmaking to imaginative monster battles in the Japanese tradition,
feverishly tinged with xenophobia. There ain't a single word in this robust story, but
it’s basically a three-act play with an epilogue: Aliens Arrive (it’s not even debated that they exist, just fast
forward to the good parts), Monsters Are Awoken (don’t ask how, it’s just
sci-fi magic with ill intent, they aim to misbehave), Cities Are Destroyed (in
all their fiery urban glory!), and Planetary Forces Retaliate (in a brief, meager, vain
attempt to halt their rampage at the very end). If you can imagine a highly
unrestrained, even more indie eye-candy version of James Stokoe’s Godzilla: The
Half Century War, or some sort of cosmic bender including the lovechild of
Rafael Grampa and Geoff Darrow on methamphetamine with his mouth duct-taped
shut, or uhh, something like that (pffft!), then you might be somewhere in the
neighborhood of Xeno Kaiju. Aulisio’s work is bold, epic, and flawless for what
it is. His monster jam comic fills nearly every crevice of the page with
textures, patterns, technology, and matter, swirls of ink coalescing to form
nascent imagery. It’s full of unchecked imagination and a sort of
claustrophobic sense of glee. It’s subtly humorous too; from the alien POV, it
basically devalues the human experience entirely. The inhabitants of the planet
are just play things, non-entities, ants, the planet is just a playground for
monsters. Aulisio controls the colors and line weight so well, running the
gamut from black and white, to shocking and vast splashes of red, to eerie and
serene smoke as the dust settles. The scale of the oversized pages and “chunky”
wood pulp newsprint also makes me feel like if I was a kid, I’d be tempted to
color in all these black and white panels with uneven zeal. They are ripe for
the taking to my 5-year old mind’s eye. I’ve basically never met a Hic &
Hoc Publication that I didn’t like, and Pat Aulisio is a creator who can always
be counted on to further this impressive record. Xeno Kaiju is the best
sequential art binge hangover I’ve had in years. Grade A+.
Justin Giampaoli was an award-winning critic at Thirteen Minutes and Comics Bulletin for over a decade. As a writer, his work includes the self-published crime caper The Mercy Killing with artist Tim Goodyear, introductions and bonus content for New York Times Bestseller DMZ at DC/Vertigo, the alt-history epic Rome West and the sci-fi drama Starship Down, both with artist Andrea Mutti at Dark Horse. Recently, he edited the geo-political thriller California, Inc. with writer Arthur Ebuen and artist Dave Law at Studio 12-7, and was a panelist at San Diego Comic Con 2024.
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