
California, Inc. Signing @ Now or Never Comics

Panel @ San Diego Comic Con


California, Inc. Signing @ Comickaze

California, Inc. Signing @ Now or Never Comics


California, Inc. @ Los Angeles Comic Con (LACC)


California, Inc. #2 Kickstarter Campaign is Live!

The Kickstarter Campaign for California, Inc. #2 is live! It's the new series I'm editing, written by Arthur Ebuen (The Simpsons, Futurama), art by Dave Law (The Space Odditorium, Thoughtscape 2319, Wolf Punks), letters by Frank Cvetkovic (Blink, Count Crowley, Cyberpunk 2077), which features California seceding from the United States to form a corporate country where every citizen is an employee. The series follows the soldiers and statesmen trying to make the dream work. The campaign features so many cool incentives, including variant covers by Danny Dufford and Conor Hughes, enamel pins, and retailer bundles. Check it out: www.californiainccomic.com


Are You Lost, Little Bunny? by Noemi Vola (Mini Kus! #118)

Noemi Vola has created a sumptuous work that examines questioning your identity, which seems to be an elixir for our times. We exist with overstimulated brains in an oversaturated reality, where there’s way too much stimuli to track, even if we’re not neurodivergent. At times, the visuals of Are You Lost, Little Bunny? appear like garish shouty colors scrawled in markers by the hands of a child, which perfectly captures the aesthetic of our overwhelmed senses. The protagonists are lost emotionally, exhausted by their surroundings, missing their loved ones, feeling isolated and alone, needing a vacation, a respite, a retreat of any kind to a place that feels like home. Vola’s densely packed pages are a visual feast, often times focusing on singular figures with enveloping backgrounds that seem to want to swallow them whole. It’s an immersive experience that culminates, for me, in a 2-page spread with “nobody saves anyone” emblazoned in a sickly ring of pink hearts that pulses and radiates energy outward across the pages. It’s a frightening and bleak message, if we allow ourselves to believe this faulty myth. The follow up warning seems to be the thought that “life is fantastic when you have no feelings,” a reminder of the inherent danger of numbing yourself, because if you’re not feeling, then what’s the point of living in the first place? Noemi Vola delivers a tremendous performance here, proof once again that kus! is consistently my favorite publisher in the world.


Grapefruit by Ana Margarida Matos (Mini Kus! #117)

Grapefruit plays a bit like classic contemporary art, in that the aesthetic seems to recontextualize seemingly disparate found objects and juxtapose them to reveal additional meaning. This tension often found in modern gallery settings appears on the page, with hints of an interactive experience – the book is, in fact, eventually billed as a “book of instructions,” pulling the audience in to be part of the exhibit, not merely observe passively. The tension extends into the comics medium, as Matas seems to be playing with the form, examining how text and images are not actually separate entities, but parts of a whole that push the narrative – just as we must consciously, intentionally inhabit our own narrative in life. This extends again from the theoretical juxtaposition of found objects, to comic book components as an example, to real people as they exist off the page. There’s a line later in the book that seems to hone in on the thesis: “I am the interspace. The gutter.” If you’re reading this review, odds are you may be fairly well-versed in comics parlance; the “gutter” here referring to that liminal space between panels where actions and closure can occur in the mind’s eye of the reader. When Matas proffers “I exist without knowing it,” we can ask ourselves if we’re ever fully, truly, engaged and present in the moment? Are we self-aware about the meaning it provides? Most people are good at recalling the past or anticipating the future, but not as adept at being in the now. At times, it feels like we’re just mindlessly drifting along, bridging one part (the past) to the next (the future), without sensing our role in the present, existing only in that interspace, in the gutter. In that sense, Grapefruit plays like a wake-up call to be physically, emotionally, and intellectually present in whatever you’re currently doing, at each individual moment of engagement.


Piggy Fire by Darin Shuler (Mini Kus! #116)

Schuler’s art style is immediately engaging. The crimson cover is eye-catching and ominous, giving way to interior art that feels like a hybrid of Charles Burns’ weighty, confident, and mostly foreboding lines, along with the type of gritty fine-line detail and alarmed emotive expressions of Noah Van Sciver. The interior coloring choices are smart, establishing ominous dark ink washes that suit the narrative trajectory until more color comes bursting along. I’m generally ok with anything that quotes Smashing Pumpkins or Pixies lyrics; here they're used to show the joyous transition/escape from the drudgery of family life to a camping trip between friends. There’s an interesting line about the city’s robotic dog enforcers “attacking a homeless encampment,” which I thought was a good note to also show how much we can feel like retreating from the extremes of modern society, and the varied activities we’ll find to shield ourselves from that. The characters in the book use “Funny Fire” additives to “Stain The Flame!” of their campfire with bright bursts of color, a reminder that we’re all just looking for a little bit of color in our life, whatever form that takes. The visual of the “Funny Fire” is an exciting pop of bright colors in the gray and black night, soon depicting a sort of comedic holy shrine for the guys to dance around. The ultimate message may be relatively simple (and psychedelic), but it’s still powerful and elicits a hearty chuckle, calling to mind the diversions we have in our own hobbies, rituals, and traditions to distract our attention from the mundane repetitious tasks in life which can be devoid of joy.


Gym Gains by Gareth Brookes (Mini Kus! #115)

I enjoyed the washed-out colors (perhaps suggesting our own distorted perceptions of events and underlying motivations around us) and the crumpled paper effect that Brookes employs, as well as the overall high concept of the narrative being relayed text message style in-app. At times, I did find it a bit difficult to parse the reversed images running throughout book and what the intended effect was designed for purely from a storytelling standpoint. That aside, even if the methodology didn’t quite connect, I appreciated the experimentation with the medium and how to relay information; it feels a bit like a voyeuristic investigative experience as a reader, attempting to decipher the textual and visual clues surrounding the complexity of the relationships. The notes on a love triangle involving jealousy, suspicion, and envy serve as good reminders that actual happiness typically is not achieved through material gains externally, but from the internal peace and humility that comes with working on one’s own personality and how we perceive events and behaviors around us.  


Farewell by Joao Fazenda (Mini Kus! #114)

The first thing I noticed about Fazenda’s lines are how deceptive they are. They seem relatively simple at first, with mere suggestions of shapes, angles, and figures. But, the more you stare at them, the more detail, depth, and emotion they convey, the more the craft of comics-making seems to be on display, be it a purposeful cross-hatch, or squiggly motion lines. I love the camera placement in this book, one of my favorite examples being the top of page 3, as the characters and their boat are facing the audience, and we’re in their field of vision. It feels like we’re part of the story, being drawn into the adventure as they become lost on their way to a house. We learn that two sisters and their father are reuniting at their childhood home, to offer their titular farewell. At one point I laid the book down mid-read, splaying it open on my desk, and was taken aback by the gorgeous wraparound cover. It somehow seems to fit the expansive interesting notes about nostalgia that the narrative offers. It’s the idea that the place they recall no longer exists. It’s human nature to try and recapture a time and place, but nostalgia too is deceptive, those places are always lost, the time and place was a finite moment. It no longer exists. People, places, life itself evolves, and the thing we see in our mind’s eye with nostalgia only exists in our memories as a singularity. The affable grandpa seems ready to accept this reality, whether it’s his ability to part with physical objects, like readily giving the ocarina to his grandchild with no qualms, or his emotional readiness to part with the whole space as nature seems intent on subsuming it. While the sisters seem to wrestle with this in their own ways, to varying degrees of contentment, the dad’s wisdom of age allows him to know that these items and places and times have served their purpose. He’s at peace with beginning a new chapter. I felt good reading Farewell. Despite the subject matter having the potential to read bittersweet – it is about goodbyes after all – this is a feel-good book! The colors during the night sequence are gorgeous, as they contend with creatures on the peninsula retreat. The tiger feels like some kind of mythical spectre, which may or may not actually exist, and its ultimate appearance is like a physical manifestation of their nostalgia. The tiger, like nostalgia itself, is fleeting; it makes one final appearance to say goodbye, as the denouement suggests they came not to hold on to some place or memory, but to finally let go. I’ve been so impressed by this latest batch of mini kus! and Farewell is another absolute triumph both visually and conceptually. It’s a great example of utilizing the comics medium to achieve tertiary information delivery from the sublime pairing of art and words.


SRY not Sorry by Michael Fikaris (Mini Kus! #113)

Fikaris’ work examines how so many things in life are perceived in relative terms. We exist on a spectrum, there will always be those with more, or less, money than us, those with more, or less, perceived success, and as he posits, those with more, or less, technology adoption in their lives. The text suggests that you can determine a person’s age or generational placement by how they use their phone. DM vs. FB? Text vs. Call? Etc. I’m fascinated by this notion, what I once heard termed as “tech immigrants” vs. “tech natives,” meaning did you grow up in a world without internet and smartphones and adopt them, or were you born fully steeped in the “advanced” technology? “Advanced” because 100 years from now, the cutting edge in our lives will seem quaint and old-fashioned by comparison as time marches on. “We have begun moving to a new consciousness together.” For me, this line is sort of the operating manifesto of SRY not Sorry, examining the concept that the degree to which we embrace the rapid pace of tech informs how we interact with others, and thus our existence. Fikaris weaves together plenty of these meditative open-ended ideas, how language organically evolves, and wondering what must be lost with acronyms and abbreviations, what’s left unspoken as language becomes more condensed with shorthand? As we share less, literally fewer characters, empathy is impacted, and we may be partially losing the ability to sense the emotions of others because we have fewer linguistic or textual clues to parse. Fikaris is careful to point out that this is happening at a time when people are more emotional than ever, and craving more connection than ever, which seems antithetical to optimal social conditions. SRY not Sorry reads ultimately as a subtle warning regarding the holistic impact to society as technology continues to advance. The affable art style uses mostly soft lines and contours, with plenty of variety – from full pages to intricate panel work, pops of color and more muted palettes at times, spare floating images and more fully rendered backgrounds. Fikaris is a creator to watch, posing interesting questions in a visually appealing way.